At the end of the day, the main reason a church community exists is to know God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to worship this marvelous God in the beauty of holiness. Thus, our attempt each time we gather for worship is to make it as reverent, joyful, and holy as possible. The first Sunday of each month is Youth Sunday, where the children offer their unique gifts by serving at the Altar as acolytes, reading the lessons, taking the offering, bringing forth the Elements at the Offertory, and participating in the Processions.

Music plays a major role in worship. The entire congregation is the 'choir' at St. George's. You need to stop by and hear us sing. We are quite good at it, and our singing is offered to our God as a spiritual offering. We sing hymns from the Hymnal 1982, and from Lift Every Voice and Sing, 2 authorized hymnals of the Episcopal Church. We also use With One Voice, a supplemental hymnal that comes from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Staying true to the Anglican tradition, we chant several parts of the Liturgy, using modern Anglican chant and other service music. There are no auditions in order to sing here. Walk through the door, and you instantly become a choir member! Come on by and check this out...

The Episcopal church is a sacramental church. The climax of every Sunday Liturgy is the reception of Holy Communion, keeping with Jesus' command to '...do this in remembrance of me.' We believe that Christ is really present in the elements of bread and wine. We're not sure exactly how that change happens, nor do we worry about it. We just know that it happens. All people who are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are welcomed at the Table of the Lord. It is truly the most joyous thing we could do in our earthly lives. In this Sacrament, we are united with our Lord, who 'dwells in us, and we in Him.' We are also united with each other, with all believers, both living and departed. It is true and everlasting fellowship! Come and see!